Microscopy / Microbiology

Microbiology and Microscopy Testing

Eurofins Environment Testing- ARA (formerly Absolute Resource Associates) provides analytical testing services for microorganisms such as bacteria (total coliform, E. coli, enterococci), mold, allergens, legionella, and more.

If your project requires Microbiology Testing and Microscopy Services for identification, counts, presence/absence (P/A), most probable number (MPN), or you just have questions about these services, be sure to give us a call.

Microbiological Tests Commonly Performed
  • Total Coliform Bacteria (presence/absence and MPN)
  • E. coli Bacteria (presence/absence and MPN)
  • Enterococci Bacteria (presence/absence and MPN)

The presence/absence (P/A) and Most Probable Number (MPN) for total coliform and E. coli bacteria is analyzed by testing method SM9223B. When the analysis is complete, a change in the color of the sample indicates the presence of bacteria.

A specialized sample tray is used to determine MPN. The presence of E. coli is determined using UV light. Enterococci Bacteria is determined by the Enterolert method.

The analyses for bacteria have very short holding times. They differ slightly based on the test and the source of water being tested.

Once the incubation is started, the sample must be read 24 hours later. For this reason, we do not accept samples for these analyses on Fridays or the day before a holiday.

We can provide guidance regarding holding times, testing methods and sampling schedules when you request sample containers.

Mold & Asbestos Microscopy Services
  • mold identification
  • asbestos PCM & PLM

During an IAQ investigation, sometimes finding the mold issue can be easy in a macro sense, meaning you can see a mold colony growing on the wall board or along the tub, under a window or on the bathroom ceiling etc.

Quite often, however, there is no visible mold growth, yet there is a musty odor, or other factor providing a mold suspicion. That’s where infrared thermography, air sampling, and analysis can all shed some light on the hidden indoor environment.

We are able to look at air samples utilizing bright field microscopy to 400 times magnification.

Air analysis is quantifiable so we are able to provide a concentration of the types of mold spores in a given volume of air.

Knowing the specific types and concentrations of mold present allows our certified investigators make recommendations on how to best clean up the mold in your living/working environment.