“Infants at Work” Program off to a Great Start
ARA is excited to be offering an exciting new benefit to our employees. Our “Infants at Work” program allows new Moms and Dads the chance to bring their babies in to work with them. This increases bonding time, saves on expensive daycare costs, and gives employees the option of coming back to work sooner than they might have otherwise.

The idea came about after the owners of ARA heard about other businesses having success with this concept. Before moving forward, the Management Team conduced research, held meetings, solicited input and had a few healthy debates. In the end, it was decided that implementing this type of program at ARA would be a tremendous benefit to the families as well as the company. To many working Moms, a “Babies at Work” benefit is a dream come true! If you would like to learn more about this interesting new trend, visit www.babiesatwork.org
Answers to Your Questions:
(We know you have them! We did too!)
* Infants are not permitted in the Lab Area, or any area deemed unsafe.
* Parent must find at least two “alternate care providers” on staff willing to provide backup care as needed.
* Sick babies must stay home.
* Other employees may request that their work area remain “baby free.”
* Some jobs will prohibit participation; eligibility is a case-by-case decision.
* Eligibility ends when mobility or disruption becomes an issue, or when the child becomes one year old.
ARA Offers Water Test Kits at Local Town Halls
To make it easier for local residents to get their water tested, a handful of local town halls are now offering our Well Water Testing Kits. If you live in Southern NH, be sure to ask your Town Clerk whether they are offering ARA water testing kits. If not, and you would like testing kits to be offered at your Town Hall just have your Town Manager call or email us any time.
Lead Inspection and Testing Services
The regulations surrounding lead are strict, and for good reason. Once it starts to deteriorate, lead based paint can easily enter the body without our knowledge through inhalation and ingestion. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization state that a blood lead level of 10 μg/dL or above is a cause for concern; however there is no known ‘safe’ exposure level.
Lead exposure has been linked to many serious health issues ranging from ADHD and autism to stunted growth, kidney and nervous system damage. Since young children are particularly vulnerable, lead testing is highly recommended for homes and facilities that occupy children and/or pregnant women.
According to this EPA graph, any building constructed before 1978 is very likely to contain lead based paint:
ARA offers lead inspections and lead testing services. For more information about this topic, visit
ARA a “Fastest Growing Women Led Business”
For the sixth year in a row, ARA has made the list of NH’s Top Women Led Businesses in NH. The list is compiled by Business NH Magazine, and rankings are determined by annual gross sales. This year, we were extra proud to make the list of the “Top 10 Fastest Growing Women Led Businesses.” Go team!
Happiest Holiday Wishes from your friends at ARA!
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