Our Project Experience

Environmental Project Experience

Eurofins Environment Testing- ARA (formerly Absolute Resource Associates) has experience working on and managing a wide variety of environmental projects for clients throughout New England and beyond. We work with large engineering firms, industrial and environmental companies, federal agencies, municipalities, private industry and more. Here is a sampling of the types of projects we handle on a regular basis.

PFAS Testing

ARA was the first lab located in NH to be certified for analyzing Per–and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in Drinking Water Samples. In 2020 ARA was awarded a three-year, $2M contract with the State of NH, providing Laboratory Analytical Services to identify and quantify PFAS in environmental samples for State Agencies, water suppliers and other eligible participants throughout the state. ARA was also awarded a contract in 2023 from Maine Department of Environmental Protection (MEDEP) for testing PFAS in Groundwater, Stormwater and Residential Drinking Water samples. And also in 2023, the State of NH awarded ARA a five-year contract for further PFAS testing services.  ARA is certified to provide PFAS analysis for clients in NH, ME, MA, RI, & VT.

Sediment Testing / Dredged Materials

ARA has performed bulk sediment testing, analysis, quality control and electronic reporting in support of projects evaluating dredged materials proposed for disposal in New England waters.

Analytical Testing & Quick Turn Around for Construction Site

ARA worked with a Consulting Firm as they were tasked with expediting site work for a new large retail department store. ARA educated the client about an option they had not considered: obtaining EPA approval for using an alternative (and much more efficient) extraction procedure for TSCA PCB samples. Making the effort to get EPA approval allowed ARA to save the customer considerable money by reducing costs and TAT on this project. ARA’s proactive approach ensured deadlines were met and the store opening could happen on time and significantly under budget.


ARA has provided services related to Volatile Organic Compound delineation of soils at a US Air Force Base including submission of a comprehensive customized electronic data deliverable.

Landfill Services

ARA continues to support many New England Landfill clean-up efforts. ARA provides sampling, environmental testing as well as pre-printed chains of custody forms and container labels with the bottle orders for these projects. ARA has also been a partner in the pre-design and remedial actions at municipal landfills.


ARA provided testing services in support of research related to stormwater management and contaminant control for a local university.

Mold Investigations

Severe mold problems were reported in a Preschool in which an alarming number of children were suffering from allergy symptoms and illness. An investigation by the ARA IAQ Team found a chronic water leak which was creating an environment conducive to supporting mold growth. Once the leak and water damage were addressed, and mold was removed, the facility was issued a healthy indoor air quality clearance report.

Asbestos Testing

ARA was called to conduct a full asbestos testing investigation at a telecommunications facility in Vermont. An extensive physical inspection of the 75,000 sq. ft. building revealed the presence of friable asbestos in many places in the basement. After a thorough and complex remediation of several areas, ARA’s post testing analysis showed no further signs of asbestos, and ARA was able to issue a “clearance for re-occupancy.”

Drinking Water Sampling and Analysis for US Navy

ARA provides all tools, equipment, material, labor, and supervision to provide water testing services at five different Navy locations in Maine. This ongoing work ensures compliance with regulatory requirements and safe drinking water for the facilities. Sampling and analysis is provided on a monthly basis, with the sampling schedule set up months in advance. ARA ensures all monthly, quarterly, annual, and 3-year testing requirements are met within the correct time frames. ARA provides regulated data to the Maine DWP to ensure the Navy stays within compliance.

Geotech Soil Borings

Geotechnical investigations were performed at four locations over a period of two years. ARA provided a subcontractor for the drilling and engineering and performed the necessary laboratory testing at our DoD certified laboratory facility.  Due to the excellent coordination of resources, all projects were completed in a 7-10 day time period from drilling to reporting.  This TAT allowed the Navy to reduce considerable down time and save money on project initiation.

Hazardous Materials Surveys

ARA completed a HazMat Survey to identify all hazardous materials in a building scheduled for renovations. The building was surveyed, sampled, and tested for asbestos, lead, PCBs, and other suspected hazardous materials that might be present. ARA coordinated with the client to minimize disruption to building personnel during the survey operations. The final report supplied by ARA was utilized by the construction contractors to successfully and safely complete the building renovations.

Arsenic/Uranium/Radon Installation

ARA provided Point of Entry Arsenic and Radon Filtration installation at several facilities. The contract scope included oversight of subcontractors, pre- and post-treatment tests, and management of the removal of an existing steel water tank within the water treatment building and replacing it with polyethylene water storage.

Arsenic Filtration & Tank Removal

ARA provided Point of Entry Arsenic Filtration for the drinking water at a Federal Facility, including pre and post treatment tests, while also managing the removal of an existing steel water tank within the water treatment building and replacing it with polyethylene water storage.

Hazardous Waste

ARA maintained the central 90-day hazardous waste accumulation site, preparing and conducting annual satellite area training, as well as scheduling and performing transportation of waste and materials to the central accumulation site.

Lead in Soil

The removal of a lighthouse left concerns regarding lead in the soil from chipping paint before and during the removal.  ARA prepared the Scope of Work which outlined the sampling protocol, procedures, sampling frequency and analytical program.  Soil samples were screened for lead on site using an XRF by ARA trained personnel and split samples were taken for fixed laboratory verification.  The ARA laboratory performed the analysis with 24 hour TAT to facilitate minimizing the time and cost associated with field activities.