Info & Updates for Your Projects Based in MA

MA eDEP System: Effective Jan 1, 2023, all Public Water System Water Quality Reporting to the MassDEP Drinking Water Program must be submitted through the eDEP Bulk Upload portal.

ARA has been submitting results for our clients via eDEP for several months now; be sure to ask about it for your next round of testing in Massachusetts. For more information about eDEP visit:

DEP CAM:  Adherence to MADEP’s Compendium of Analytical Methods (CAM) is required for analytical data generated in support of decisions made at sites regulated under M.G.L.c. 21e & the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MADEP MCP).

ARA customers with projects needing these requirements may indicate this on the chain of custody form when submitting samples. The guide to MADEP’s Compendium of Quality Control Requirements and Performance Standards for Selected Analytical Protocols (WSC #10-320) took effect in 2010.

DBE / WBE / WOSB:  Many companies are reaching out as they look to fulfill their Diversity Goals for 2022 and beyond. Let us know if you’d like to discuss a partnership on upcoming projects! ARA holds the following certifications:

  • US Small Business Administration (SBA) Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB)
  • Department of Transportation (US DOT) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
  • Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) WBE and WOSB
  • Massachusetts Supplier Diversity Office (SDO) WBE

Licensed Asbestos Inspector in MA: All persons hired to identify and assess the condition of Asbestos Containing Building Materials (ACBM), or suspected ACBM in schools or public and commercial buildings must be accredited. ARA is happy to report we are now a Certified Asbestos Inspector for your projects in MA.

PFAS:  ARA is certified for PFAS via EPA Method 537.1 in MA.   (also certified for PFAS analysis in NH, ME, VT & RI)

How Do You Use Your Data?

We recently took a poll among our staff, asking about various career development opportunities. One item that garnered a lot of interest was learning more about how our data is used by our customers once the lab report leaves ARA.

Do You Have a Cool Story? It Could Mean Free Pizza! 
If your Lab Data impacted your project in a meaningful way and you’d like to share the details with our team, we’d love to have you over for a PowerPoint & Pizza, on us!  Email your ideas & project details to: [email protected]

Intern Update: Where are they Now?
We choose wisely when hiring interns here at ARA, and their future success is evidence of that! Here’s an update on one of our former interns who is off doing great things in, and for, the world!
Hannah Miller
Hannah interned for ARA following her senior year of high school in 2018. In true Hannah form, she managed to graduate summa cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of New Hampshire in just 3 years! She is now pursuing a master’s degree in geotechnical engineering from the University of Rhode Island, working as a research assistant focusing on innovative foundation systems for offshore floating platforms.
Following graduation from URI, Hannah will be working for Appledore Marine Engineering as a waterfront / structural engineer. And since she’ll be based in Portsmouth, she promises to swing by ARA to say hello!
Former ARA intern Hannah Miller, sampling sediment from the Bellamy River in Dover, NH

If you are, or if you know, a former ARA intern who would like to be featured in our next newsletter, call, swing by, or email us at [email protected]

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